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Special issue of Accounting and Management Review (AMR)

A special thematic issue of Accounting History is scheduled to be published in mid-2025 drawing on conference papers presented at the First International Congress of Accounting History of the Accounting History Committee of the Portuguese Order of Certified Accountants International Conference on this theme.

Accordingly, submissions are encouraged based on empirical, case studies and different times and spaces, where the cultural and social dimensions of accounting are explored. Submitted manuscripts should address, but are not limited to the following issues: 
  • The history of cultural organizations through their accounting practices;
  • The role of culture in the development of accounting practices and accounting knowledge;
  • The interface of accounting and society, such as relating to cultural and social events;
  • The history of social movements through an accounting perspective;
  • The history of cultural movements through an accounting perspective;
  • The roles of accounting within different organizations that play a cultural or social role in society, such as hospitals, museums, churches, monasteries, theatres, and so on;
  • Accounting past and the exploitation of or the preservation of the natural environment;
  • The role of accounting in periods of financial crises and natural disasters;
  • The social role of accounting in periods of famine, plagues and diseases.
The review process for the special issue will be conducted separately from, and subsequent to, the conference review process. Authors of accepted conference papers are encouraged to consider the comments of the conference reviewers, as well as any feedback received at the conference, in revising their paper prior to submitting it for consideration for publication in this special issue of the Accounting and Management Review (AMR).

Submissions written in accordance with Accounting and Management Review style guidelines should be submitted electronically in Word format as per the submission instructions on the journal website: https://accountingmanagementreview.occ.pt/index.php/AMR-RCG/about/submissions, by 10 October 2024.

Authors who have queries about the special issue should contact the Editor and Associate Editors of the Accounting and Management Review (AMR):
  • Maria João Major, ISCTE – University Institute of Lisbon, Portugal (maria.joao.major@iscte-iul.pt)
  • Carlos Menezes, University of Minho, Portugal (menezes@eeg.uminho.pt)
  • Delfina Gomes, University of Minho, Portugal (dgomes@eeg.uminho.pt) 
  • Patrícia Gomes, Cávado and Ave Polythecnic Institute, Portugal (pgomes@ipca.pt)
  • Rute Abreu, Guarda Polythecnic Institute, Portugal (ra@ipg.pt)
  • Susana Jorge, University of Coimbra, Portugal (susjor@fe.uc.pt)
